

- As we mentioned in previously, keeping oneself clean down there is of utmost importance. It is crucial that your pad and underwear are clean and that area is kept dry. We recommend changing your pad or liner every 4-8 hours depending on your level of flow. The heavier your flow, the more frequent you will notice feeling moist, and need to change your pad. 

-Our cycles are ruled by hormones, natural chemicals inside of each of us that make us feel different ways. Finding ways to balance our hormones through our own practices such as meditation can be very helpful for our own health.

-Some people complain a lot about their cycles, and it can be painful, confusing and difficult, but we aim to help menstruators understand their own bodies and even celebrate this sacred time each month, by taking good care of oneself. 

-Despite what men may think or say, they only exist due to women having our periods. It is from the vagina where they were born, and therefore if they make any disparaging comments, it is purely out of their ignorance.

-Do yourself a favor and despite what others may tell you, honor yourself and your sacred places of your body and treat yourself especially kindly and softly during your menstrual cycle.

-Now we will share a bit about how to take care of what might arise for you!

-You don’t need us to tell you that the first day of your period can be pretty rough. At this stage in your cycle your levels of estrogen are at their lowest.

Estrogen is responsible for the production of serotonin, commonly known as the ‘happy hormone’ as it is known to boost your mood. When estrogen is low, serotonin is low and as a result you can feel pretty terrible.

On top of this, a lot of people experience severe cramps at the start of their period. This is a result of the muscles in your uterus contracting to shed its lining. For some people these cramps can feel as though your womb is punching itself in the face over and over again.

Experts recommend staying hydrated and even doing some gentle exercise to help deal with cramps (good one, ‘experts’). If you’re not feeling up to a jog, you can’t go wrong by curling up with a hot water bottle and a good book.

How can you make PMS more bearable? You can alleviate symptoms by taking regular exercise, eating a healthy balanced diet, getting plenty of sleep (7-8 hours), reducing stress through yoga, meditation or similar, taking painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol and keeping a diary of symptoms for at least 2 cycles.

- Eating foods dense in iron- such as molasses, green vegetables, and beans can help you from feeling dizzy or faint, which may be a sign that you are anemic, or low in iron which is the mineral in your blood that carries oxygen. When we bleed, sometimes anemic people feel light headed, dizzy or faint.

-Avoid smoking or drinking too much. If the symptoms are interfering with your life, then see your doctor who may recommend hormonal treatment such as the combined contraceptive pill and in some cases antidepressants.

-As your progesterone levels rise you’ll experience a number of delightful changes. It’s common for your skin to break out, your hair to get greasier and for your breasts to ache. A lot of women feel bloated and tired around this time.

-Self-care is of vital importance during all stages of your cycle, but particularly while you are on your moon. There are a few key tips to remember

  • take it easy and rest when you need
  • eat healthy, iron rich foods
  • try not to drink alcohol or smoke
  • exercise or at least take walks
  • use a hot pad or water bottle
  • lay down to deal with cramps
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